Ultra Leisure Series Table and Bench
B6ULP Ultra Leisure Series Bench 6 foot portable
6 foot Bench without Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, P..
B6ULS Ultra Leisure Series Bench 6 foot inground
6 foot Bench without Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, I..
B6ULSM Ultra Leisure Series Bench 6 foot surface mount
6 foot Bench without Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, S..
B6WBULP Ultra Leisure Series Bench 6 foot with back portable
6 foot Bench with Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, Port..
B6WBULS Ultra Leisure Series Bench 6 foot with back inground
6 foot Bench with Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, Ingr..
B6WBULSM Ultra Leisure Series Bench 6 foot with back surface mount
6 foot Bench with Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, Surf..
B8ULP Ultra Leisure Series Bench 8 foot portable
8 foot Bench without Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, P..
B8ULS Ultra Leisure Series Bench 8 foot inground
8 foot Bench without Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two2 3/8 inch Legs, In..
B8ULSM Ultra Leisure Series Bench 8 foot surface mount
8 foot Bench without Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, S..
B8WBULP Ultra Leisure Series Bench 8 foot with back portable
8 foot Bench with Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, Port..
B8WBULS Ultra Leisure Series Bench 8 foot with back inground
8 foot Bench with Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, Ingr..
B8WBULSM Ultra Leisure Series Bench 8 foot with back surface mount
8 foot Bench with Back, .75 inch Number9 Expanded Metal, Rounded Corners, Two 2 3/8 inch Legs, Surf..
T46UL Ultra Leisure Series Square Table 46 inch
46 inch Square Table, 4 Attached Seats, Rounded Corners,.75 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, 2 inch Leg..
T46UL-3 Ultra Leisure Series Square Table 46 inch
46 inch Square Table, 3 Attached Seats, Rounded Corners, .75 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, 2 inch Le..
T46UL-3ADA Ultra Leisure Series Square Table 46 inch
46 inch x 57 inch Table Top, 3 Attached Seats, Rounded Corners, .75 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, 2 ..
T6UL Ultra Leisure Series Rectangular Table 6 foot
6 foot Table, 2 Attached 6 foot Seats, Rounded Corners, 3/4 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, Two 2 3-8 ..
6 foot Table 2 Attached 6 foot Seats Expanded Metal Portable
6 foot Table, 2 Attached 6 foot Seats, Table top Height 24" Seat Height 14", Rounded Corners, .75 in..
6 foot Table Two 4 ft Seat Rounded Corners Expanded Metal Portable
6 foot Table, 2 Attached 4 foot Seats, Rounded Corners, .75 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, Two 2 3-..
8 foot Table Two 8 ft Seat Rounded Corners Expanded Metal Portable
8 foot Table, 2 Attached 8 foot Seats, Rounded Corners, .75 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, Two 2 3-..
8 foot Table Two Seat Expanded Metal Portable ELEMENTARY
8 foot Table, 2 Attached 8 foot Seats, Rounded Corners, .75 inch number 9 Expanded Metal, Two 2 3-8 ..